I am an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Bowling Green State University and the Editor-in-Chief and a founder of The Philosophy Teaching Library.
My research has appeared in Mind, Noûs, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Philosophical Studies, Philosophers’ Imprint, and the Australasian Journal of Philosophy, amongst other venues, and my work has been supported by a number of fellowships, grants, and awards, totaling over $100,000 in external funding. My work on public philosophy has been featured at the Prindle Post, and I am also a pedagogy contributor at the Blog of the APA, the Daily Nous, PEA Soup, the Philosopher’s Cocoon.
Before coming to Bowling Green State, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Virtues & Vocations Project at the University of Notre Dame, a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Cologne's Center for Contemporary Epistemology and the Kantian Tradition, a Dean's Postdoctoral Fellow at Florida State University, and the Mellon Course Design Coordinator for the Philosophy as a Way of Life Project. I received my PhD in philosophy from the University of Arizona, and I have also spent time as a visiting researcher at Brown, Notre Dame, and Rutgers. For more information, please contact me at rwsiscoe@gmail.com.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
General Research Articles
Awareness by Degree | Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, with Paul Silva (Forthcoming) (Draft)
Ignorance and Awareness | Noûs, with Paul Silva (2024) 58.1: 225-243. (Draft)
Justification as a Dimension of Rationality | Philosophical Studies (2024) 181: 1523–1546 (Draft)
Grounding and the Epistemic Regress Problem | Erkenntnis (2024) 89: 875–896 (Open Access)
Knowledge, True Belief, and the Gradability of Ignorance | Philosophical Studies (2024) 181: 893-916 (Draft)
The Epistemic Aims of Democracy | Philosophy Compass (2023) 18.11: e12941. (Draft)
Being Rational Enough | Australasian Journal of Philosophy (2023) 101.1: 111-127 (Draft)
Rational Supererogation and Epistemic Permissivism | Philosophical Studies (2022) 179:571–591 (Draft)
Grounding, Understanding, and Explanation | Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (2022) 103.4: 791-815 (Draft)
Real and Ideal Rationality | Philosophical Studies (2022) 179: 879–910 (Draft)
Thomas Reid, the Internalist | Journal of Modern Philosophy (2022) 4.1: 10 (Open Access)
Grounding and A Priori Epistemology | Synthese (2021) 199: 11445–11463 (Draft)
Belief, Rational and Justified | Mind (2021) 130.517: 59-83 (Draft)
No Work for a Theory of Epistemic Dispositions | Synthese (2021) 198.4: 3477-3498 (Draft)
The Demandingness of Virtue | The Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (2020) 18.1: 1-22 (Draft)
Incoherent but Reasonable: A Defense of Truth-Abstinence in Political Liberalism | Social Theory and Practice, with Alex Schaefer (2020) 46.3: 573–603 (Draft)
Stoic Virtue: A Contemporary Interpretation | Philosophers' Imprint (2020) 20.18: 1-20 (Open Access)
Invited Articles & Special Issues
Epistemic Democracy and the Truth Connection | Public Reason (Forthcoming) (Draft) (Special Issue on Political Epistemology)
Checking and the Argument from Inquiry | Acta Analytica (2023) 38: 69-78 (Draft) (Invited commentary on Guido Melchior’s Knowing and Checking)
Accuracy Across Doxastic Attitudes | American Philosophical Quarterly (2022) 59.2: 201–217 (Draft)
Credal Accuracy and Knowledge | Synthese (2022) 200.163 (Open Access) (Special Issue on Knowledge First Epistemology)
Does Being Rational Require Being Ideally Rational? | Philosophical Topics (2021) 49.2: 245-266 (Draft) (Special Issue on Epistemology)
Teaching Articles
The Good Life & How to Live It: Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Book I | The Philosophy Teaching Library (2024)
No Apologies: Plato’s The Apology of Socrates | The Philosophy Teaching Library (2024)
Doubt Everything: Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, Meditation I | The Philosophy Teaching Library (2024)
Philosophical Dialogue and the Civic Virtues | Analytical Teaching & Philosophical Praxis, with Zac Odermatt (2023) 43.2 : 59-77 (Open Access)
Teaching and Learning Guide for: The Epistemic Aims of Democracy | Philosophy Compass (2023) 18.11: e12954 (Draft)
Philosophical Dialogue for Beginners | AAPT Studies in Pedagogy, with Zac Odermatt (2023) 8: 6-29 (Draft)
Condorcet’s Jury Theorem and Democracy | 1,000 Word Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology (2022) (Open Access)
Seeking to Understand | Teaching Philosophy, with Zac Odermatt (2022) 45.4: 477-499 (Draft)